COVID-19 Health & Safety Measures

What to expect

~Updated April 3, 2023~

Upon arrival: The front door will be locked- please knock when you arrive, and then wait at the front door. NOTE: To limit the number of bodies in the office space, we ask that you wait in your car or outside in front of the office if you are able.

Face Mask: As of April 3, 2023 face masks are optional.  Your PT will likely be wearing a mask.  If they are not and you would like for them to put one on during your visit, please ask and we will be happy to.

Hand Washing & Sanitizer: we ask that you immediately wash your hands upon arrival in the office. Your PT will do the same in between each patient at a minimum. Sanitizer is readily available for use during your visit in addition to hand washing.

Cleaning Procedures: All patient areas and all touched surfaces and equipment are disinfected in between each patient using a CDC approved solution. We will ask that you use gloves for any equipment use to minimize direct contact. We have 2 air purifiers running at all times that are rated to filter COVID-19 and smaller.

Physical Distancing: At all possible times, we will maintain a minimum of 6′ of distance during your visit.

Signs of Illness: We ask that you stay home if you are feeling signs of illness in any way- we are always able to convert your appointment to TeleHealth if you would like.

Allergy Symptoms: If you are experiencing symptoms consistent with your typical allergies, we ask that your wear a mask during your appointment as a precaution.

COVID-19 Exposure, Positive Status & Returning to the Clinic:

  • If you have tested positive for COVID-19 in the last 6 days, please stay home or switch to TeleHealth
  • If you have tested positive for COVID-19 between 6-10 days ago and and are still testing positive, please either stay home or switch to TeleHealth
  • If you have tested positive for COVID-19 between 6-10 days ago and and are currently testing negative, please wear a mask for your appointment until 10 days have passed since your first positive test